Sunday, January 28, 2007

Podcast 1_22 - The Great Fortune of Rough Emotions

In "The Great Fortune of Rough Emotions," I read a poem by Keats that helps me reflect on the power of rough emotions, and I also tell my humorous cemetery story.


At 2/10/2007 6:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nature's lead host or creator or whatever, who are you?

At 2/10/2007 11:34 AM, Blogger Nature's Lead said...

Hey Vic,

How do you mean that specifically?

At 2/12/2007 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well i'm a student at a school and a romantic at heart as well. I didn't really think that many people would still think like the transcendentalists did being this an industrial world today and i guess i just mean, why do you feel this way about things?

-sorry about how weird that was all worded.

At 2/12/2007 12:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i meant to put vic said... and by the way thanks for responding

At 2/12/2007 8:35 PM, Blogger Nature's Lead said...

That's a great question and a very difficult one. I think it's really insightful what you said about assuming that many people don't think like that any more. I think that's the only reason I feel like I can do this podcast, because there's just not much flow of thought out there in this area. It's somewhat of a forgotten way of looking at the world.

But those were the easy comments... on to the difficult question you pose -- why do I feel this way about things. I could do at least a couple episodes on that topic, and I will, at some point, do at least one episode on it. I think there are many answers, and they're all correct. I'm sure some is due to the way I'm wired (Nature), some is due to my upbringing (Nurture), and some is due to my studies.

But let me think on it a bit and I'll post again when I have more time tomorrow perhaps.

At 2/13/2007 1:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, so first of all i just wanna say you kinda rock... besides that statement's weirdness i guess talking to another romantic i can feel comfortable in telling you this. Eventhough you only know my name is vic and im a kid at some school which might not even be true (but i assure you it is), i will tell you these things about me and i will try to be as specific as i can. I have just recently fallen into the love of nature not but a year or two ago and it comes now that i have inheirited a rather large farm from my grandfather that is in Cairo Illinois, Alexander county (research it if you want, its an interesting place) though i havent been there i am going to it this spring break from school in april. What this has to do with anything is that a few years from now i plan on applying my insight and intellect to write be it novels like that of Jack Kerouac (if you've heard of him)or essays like that of Emerson and Thoreau. So i hope to make a change in society overall, but you're probably bored with all of this petty ambition so i'll just hit send.

At 2/13/2007 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Real quick, as weird as it sounds i'm starting to think you might be my Language Arts Teacher... just kidding though, she feels this way about nature and stuff too...

At 2/13/2007 3:40 PM, Blogger Nature's Lead said...

This is great... it's really nice to see someone thinking on those terms. If you're fortunate enough to be able to transfer your life into an environment like that, then I think it's awesome that you're going to use that opportunity to try to accomplish some good and possibly help change society. And maybe your Grandfather's farm is your Walden... a chance to root in nature and yourself.

You're really lucky if she's inspiring for you... that's how I got turned onto this stuff way back when.

At 2/14/2007 10:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi there!... i just wanted to say thank you for making this podcast! i abslutely love listening in; every episode is so thoughtful and full of exciting ideas! so many that it's difficult to listen to too many episodes in a row... too many eipm (exciting ideas per minute!) i want to make certain that each idea recieves it's due consideration!
i also wanted to make a book recomendation for you... a natural history of the senses by diane ackerman. i have a feeling you already know about her, but if you don't, i know you would love it. it's all about being aware of our bodies in nature, and not to mention her writing is absolutely gorgeous!... she is definately following nature's lead!
well thank you again and take care

At 2/14/2007 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy valentine's day too!

At 2/14/2007 11:52 AM, Blogger Nature's Lead said...

Happy Valentine's day to you too!

I'll check out that book. No, I haven't heard of it. There's a lot of books out there today that I don't know about, so I appreciate the suggestion. It sounds interesting.

And I also appreciate your feedback on how you enjoy the podcast... those types of comments are very important too me.

At 2/14/2007 2:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

if my works were to be published during the time that i am alive, i will write an honorable mention or acknowlegement for you in it.

By the way,
An old friend came to my house today and he was struggling on finding what it was in his life that mattered at all to him. I told him many things but overall that he should look deep within himself and find what gave his existence meaning or what it was that made him anything at all. I've never seen a more troubled man, he couldn't find a thing. He said he has a lot of changes to make in his life and a lot of thinking to do.
I think my purpose could be helping others...

At 2/15/2007 12:58 PM, Blogger Nature's Lead said...

That is really very nice of you about considering referencing me in some way, thank you.

And it's very cool if you feel within you the need and satisfaction in helping others. There's nothing more noble you could take on in life. The world needs it.


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